Friday, February 26, 2016

Persuasive Writing Speech Presentations!

Today we shared and celebrated our persuasive speeches! Some students preferred to share in small groups whereas others were ready to present to the whole class! We made both happen this morning and practiced both our listening and speaking skills, too! Students can't wait for you, their families, to read or hear their speech!

Our Valentine Party!

On Friday, February 12 we celebrated Valentine's Day! Students enjoyed ice-cream sundaes, a craft, and various games and activities! There was even a dance party in our classroom! Thank you to the family members and parents who hosted and volunteered to throw such a great party for us!

100th Day of School!

Earlier this month we celebrated the 100th day of school! Some of us dressed up like we're 100 years old!
We also wrote about what life might be like when we're 100! We used an app called Oldify to age ourselves to look 100, too! Actually, students were surprised that their pictures were secretly taken and then aged!