Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day...we sure did! Thanks families for making our party a great success!
Making valentines for a local retirement community!

Valentine fun!

Minute to win it...candy heart stacking!
A make your own sundae bar!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Kindergarten Buddies and Valentines!

We had a great time gearing up for Valentine's Day with our Kindergarten buddies! We read Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli and made valentines for the "Mr. Hatches" in our lives. Perhaps our bus drivers, custodians, secretary, or lunch lady is someone we often ignore and should be smiling at and greeting instead! What better way to show them we care than making a special valentine! Students are so excited about brightening a day!


We love getting together with our buddies, and we can't wait to continue the celebration tomorrow!
I hope your Valentine's Day bursts with joy!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Check out our geo (geometry) maps! Of course I saw this idea on Pinterest, and students had a blast learning all of the vocabulary from our first geometry chapter in such a fun way! They had to create a map that included parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines, types of angles, polygons including different quadrilaterals and various types of triangles (equilateral, isosceles, scalene, and right)! They were given a checklist to ensure they included each vocabulary term. I could not be happier with the result! We've integrated math, social studies, and art!!!

The geo maps aren't the only thing I can credit for geometry vocabulary success! I also created an anchor chart that made sense in my mind to assist students with understanding the relationships between many of these terms. Luckily, it made a lot of sense to them, too! Happy studying!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Writing Celebration!

Student writing and illustration makes my heart smile!

We had been working very hard on nonfiction pieces, and Friday it was time to celebrate! During writing time, we had a "Gallery Walk." This was our second gallery walk this year, as we had done one prior with our personal narratives. Student's displayed their work along with a comment/compliment sheet on their desk. I played some soft music and students walked around quietly reading one anothers' pieces and leaving compliments.


They love sharing their work this way! To top it all off, I felt they deserved a special treat for all of their efforts. You can never go wrong with cookies! Our second writing celebration was a huge success and a wonderful way to start the weekend!

Read Aloud Becomes Inspiration!

Today I'm going to be a spokeswoman for a story...ever heard of Wilma Unlimited? I hadn't until our reading curriculum lead me to this mentor text for wondering and asking questions. It certainly did a wonderful job serving that purpose, but it also proved to be so much more! This is the story of Wilma Rudolph. As a child, she got Polio which paralyzed her left leg. She was told she would never walk again, but went on to become the fastest woman in the world. Students were so bummed when I told them we had to wait to finish the story until the next day. AND, by the end of the story we were cheering our character on as we sat on the edge of our seats carpet spots! In the end, we were able to not only discuss our wonderings and questions, but also character and courage. It was a fantastic read aloud experience! This story is certainly one to tuck in your back pocket teacher friends! Happy reading!