Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day!

Today we celebrated Veteran's Day! Our school hosted a Veteran's Day assembly to honor those who have served in our military! Many students invited a veteran guest! Thank you for coming and thank you for your service!

We also did a reading activity to learn about the history of Veteran's Day! Students worked in pairs to construct a timeline of events!

Our Halloween

We had a great time celebrating Halloween!

Thank you, families for sending in supplies and hosting such a great Halloween party!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Field Trip!

On Friday, we visited The Missouri Botanical Garden! After studying plants in science, students were very excited about this trip! We got to tour the garden with a tour guide to learn about many neat plants. We also got to play in the Children's Garden!

We could touch some of the plants! When we gently rubbed the leaf of a lavender or mint plant, you could smell the fragrance on your fingers!

Students really liked this plant called Elephant's Ears.

This tree will protect its seeds this fall and winter by giving them a fuzzy coat to wear!

We were able to pick up and look closely at many different seeds that are falling this time of year!

Thank you parent volunteers for helping us have such a wonderful field trip!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


We are having lots of fun studying plants in science! We started our unit outside so we could observe plants! A botanist is someone who studies plants.

Then it was time to grow some plants of our own! We "planted" some bean seeds in wet paper towels and patiently waited!

After just a few days, growth was evident! Students were very excited!

When the sprouts grew longer, we added them to a pot of soil so they could continue to grow!

We did another experiment to learn about stems! Celery is like a stem and when placed in water with red food coloring, you can see how the stem carries the water and nutrients up to the leaves!
When we cut into the stems, you could see the tiny red tubes that carried up the liquid!
We are really enjoying this science unit and watching our plants grow! Just look at them now!