Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ability Awareness Day & Kindergarten Buddies!

On Friday we had Ability Awareness Day! It was such a fun morning for students and an eye-opening, wonderful learning experience!

First, we learned about physical disabilities. Students put on glasses and participated in tasks to learn about visual impairments.

Then, students put one arm behind their back and tried to put clothes on and open boxes! It was quite a challenge!

They also put socks on their hands and tried to tie shoes and complete puzzles.

We met two special guests with Cerebral Palsy! Thanks to those individuals for sharing their stories with us!
Last, we learned about therapy and guide dogs!

We also met with our Kindergarten buddies to learn more about the military! We focused on the Air Force! We read a story together and then decorated planes. These planes will be hung in the hallways of our school! The various buddy classes are learning about and decorating for different branches of the military! Long is going to look very festive for Veteran's Day in a couple of weeks!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

We are third grade botanists!

Yesterday we kicked off our new science unit - plants! We went outside to observe some plants and record our findings! We shared some of our background knowledge and discussed our 'wonderings!'

Writing Celebration

These photos are overdue from our narrative writing celebration! We set up our museum and students did a 'gallery walk' to read classmates narratives and leave compliments!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How We've Grown as Writers!

Today we wrapped up our personal narrative writing unit. Students showed what they know and all that we've learned by writing a personal narrative in one sitting! Then, we compared our pieces from today to the ones we wrote before our unit! Wow!!! Students were so amazed! There were even some laughs and giggles about their first stories! Ha! They have really grown!

We can't wait to celebrate the stories we've poured our hearts and souls into over the course of the unit tomorrow! Hooray for writing!