Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our Trip to the Missouri Botanical Garden!

Today we visited the Missouri Botanical Garden to learn more about plants! We've been studying them in science. We started off with a class and reviewed food chains. We learned about those in our previous science unit - ecosystems!

We made a "food chain" and "passed" down the energy!

Then, we watched decomposition!

We got to plant our own plants - basil!

It was soon time to explore the garden!

Sour Orange
Sweet Lemon


Picking and smelling sage!

The beautiful Missouri Botanical Garden!

Students were very excited about the Climatron!

Pitcher Plant

Can you spot the gecko?


Looking at the tadpoles!

Whose feet are those?

More carnivorous plants!

We had a fantastic time! Thank you parent helpers for joining us and making our trip a success!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Halloween Festivities!

Halloween came and went! We had a great day celebrating last Thursday!
There were some great activities! Students tried to guess the Halloween themed word on their head by asking questions!
They did a craft and made mummy luminaries!
They also mummy wrapped one another!
Even I became a mummy!
Thank you families for your planning and donations and for hosting and helping with our party!